Victoria Koval

Victoria Koval

Turn LinkedIn leads into revenue. Soon!
327 points
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Victoria Koval
Victoria Koval
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Good to have it all in one! Great job!
Self Therapy
Self Therapy
Personalized mental health guide and tools
Victoria Koval
Victoria Koval
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Kudos on the launch!
Personalized AI powered by what you’ve seen, said, or heard
Victoria Koval
Victoria Koval
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We are. Again! Let's connect :)
Viola Schoell
Who is launching soon? 🚀
Viola Schoell
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Victoria Koval
Victoria Koval
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00:00 - 02.00 am Pacific Time, just when guys are launching !
What times of the day are you most active on Product Hunt?
Victoria Koval
Victoria Koval
started a discussion

Cold outreach: yay or nay?

We've launched a new product today, designed to deliver every message to every buyer of yours. If you find it useful, please show us your support
Victoria Koval
Victoria Koval
started a discussion Email Deliverability Booster is live!

Anyone launching cold emails here? What do you think of the product? Honesty is appreciated!
Victoria Koval
Cold outreach isn't easy in 2024. But with Email Deliverability Booster, you can work smarter, not harder. No need to stress about getting blocked or landing in Spam. Get a full control over your bounce rate and email placement score.
Email Deliverability Booster
Email Deliverability Booster
Reach every lead, every time
Victoria Koval
Victoria Koval
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I am still :D We've launched today and it's super exciting!
Julia Engelsmann
How nervous were you before the launch?
Julia Engelsmann
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Victoria Koval
Victoria Koval
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Great product - looking for a job shouldn't be this hard!
AI-powered AI job board - find your dream job in seconds
Victoria Koval
Victoria Koval
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Happy launch day! A great tool to declutter the online life!
Read just 1 aggregated summary by LLM, skip 100 similar
Victoria Koval
Victoria Koval
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Me! It's gonna become a #1 tool for cold outreach :)
Who is launching in April or May?
Victoria Koval
Victoria Koval
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Growing from zero with minimum input :)
Marvin Mändle
What is the superpower of your product?
Marvin Mändle
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Victoria Koval
Victoria Koval
left a comment
Installed this baby. Kudos on the launch!
Protect your eyes while boosting your productivity