Victor Ponamariov

Victor Ponamariov

UI/UX is my passion
609 points
UI Quiz100 UI/UX TipsRe:Form
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Victor Ponamariov
Victor Ponamariov
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Books are not featured anymore?

Previously I have launched 2 books, all of them were in top #5. Two weeks ago I asked support if it's still okay to launch a book, but I didn't get an answer (or missed it, might be). Now support says: "We have limited blog posts, articles, lists, directories, templates, lead magnet pages, and guides on the homepage based on community feedback". I can technically compare a guide to a book,...
Victor Ponamariov
This is the second edition of 100 UI/UX tips, originally written in 2021. Over the past 3 years, I've added new tips, removed outdated ones, and provided context for some of them. I've added links for further reading and improved the illustrations.
100 UI/UX Tips
100 UI/UX Tips
Learn how to make your apps look awesome. In an hour.
Victor Ponamariov
A quick UI design test that contains typical errors that developers, founders and aspiring designers make.
UI Quiz
UI Quiz
Test your design skills in 3 minutes
Victor Ponamariov
Victor Ponamariov
left a comment
Well done! That's what I need right now!
Growth Hacking Kit 2.0
Growth Hacking Kit 2.0
400+ resources, checklists & templates for startup growth
Victor Ponamariov
Victor Ponamariov
left a comment
Well done! That's what I need right now
PH Launch Pack
PH Launch Pack
250+ templates, checklists and tips for Product Hunt launch
Victor Ponamariov
Victor Ponamariov
started a discussion

What lead magnets can be used to gain subscribers to UI/UX newsletter?

Hello everyone. I want to dedicate the next year to a big project, related to UI/UX. I haven't decided yet what it should be, asked product hunters here and still not sure. So if you have any ideas, I'd VERY much appreciate it. However, apart from this, I need to get subscribers. Not for blunt ads...