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Vatsal Sanghvi presents 10 Amazing Landing Pages for your SaaS Get Editable Figma Files and Ready to Deploy Code for 10 Amazing Landing Pages is an AI SaaS Boilerplate that helps you ship your AI SaaS super fast!
SaaS Landing Pages by
SaaS Landing Pages by
Figma Files & Code of 10 Amazing Landing Pages for your SaaS
Vatsal Sanghvi
Vatsal Sanghvi
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Should you start a Productized Service in 2024?

๐Ÿ‘‰ What the heck are Productised Services? Productized services are essentially services packaged and sold like products. Unlike traditional services that are customized for each client, productized services offer a standardized solution at a fixed price. In the traditional context, an agency business meant that youโ€™d get requirements from a client, send a quote, agree on the price and work on...
Vatsal Sanghvi
Vatsal Sanghvi
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SaaS Boilerplates 101 & How Marc Lou makes $133K/mo selling javascript

Boilerplate originally referred to the rolled steel used to make boilers for steam engines in the 19th century. Over time, the term evolved to describe any standardized piece of text or code that can be reused without significant changes. Interest in SaaS has been on the rise, and many more people now want to build products. However, building products from scratch takes a lot of time, and...
Vatsal Sanghvi
Vatsal Sanghvi
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9 real non-scammy Internet products that you build and make money on the Internet

The Internet is full of opportunities. There is a lot that you can build on the Internet. But what should you exactly build? Here are 9 real non-scammy Internet products that you build and make a shit ton of money on the Internet 1. Curate Directories & Resource Packs ๐Ÿ‘‰ Curation is the lowest-hanging fruit in the journey of building products on the Internet. You can curate resources...
Vatsal Sanghvi
Vatsal Sanghvi
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Can I launch my newsletter on Product Hunt?

Hi! I am starting the Builder OS Newsletter next week. It is a newsletter around building products on the Internet based on my experience of building 10+ products and selling 4 out of them. I am wondering if I can launch it here on product hunt?
Vatsal Sanghvi
Transcribe, Summarize and Repurpose Podcasts & Videos into high quality social media content, blogs, newsletters and viral audiogram clips powered by state of the art AI
Transcribe, summarize and create content from your podcasts
Vatsal Sanghvi
Summarify is a free summarization tool that helps you create concise summaries for your PDFs, webpages, Texts, Youtube Videos, Audio Files and Blogs in 19+ languages in a note and voice of your choice, using AI.
Summarize PDFs, webpages, Youtube videos, blogs & more
Vatsal Sanghvi
Audionotes is a voice-first AI based Note Taking Tool and Assistant that converts your unstructured voice notes, text notes and recordings into structured text summaries, helps you create content and also allows you to chat with your notes.
Audionotes Pro
Audionotes Pro
Turn voice & text notes into structured summaries & content
Vatsal Sanghvi
Vatsal Sanghvi
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How did you acquire your First 100 Paying Users for your AI App?

Of Late, I have realized that building is easier than distributing the product. What is your playbook for acquiring the first 100 users? Do you keep a time-bound goal to it? Appreciate your inputs. Thanks!
Vatsal Sanghvi
Convert your voice notes into accurate and well-structured text and high-quality content within seconds. Search through your notes, tag them, and share them with your friends. Easily accessible on the web and mobile.
Effortlessly convert your voice notes to clear text summary