Tushar Vaghela

Tushar Vaghela

I am an old school web developer
5 points
All activity
Tushar Vaghela
Discover 450+ job opportunities with top product-based companies and start-ups on our website. Kick-start your career today! Based on https://github.com/Kaustubh-Natuskar/moreThanFAANGM
Career Pages
Career pages from 450+ tech companies
Tushar Vaghela
This extension is for those who needs news from all sources. You can select country, category or search news from search box.
News around the world.
News as it happens.
News at your NewTab.
Unbiased news, news from different source and perspective.
This extension is for those who needs news from all sources.
Tushar Vaghela
Fun effects for same old sites.
You can make any site Blur, Greyscale, Sepia, Bright, Invert using this tool.
If you want it as normal choose "Reset"
Page Filter Effects
Page Filter Effects
Fun filter effect for webpage.
Tushar Vaghela
Sometime you need to open current page in Mobile and you have to open QR Code Generator and paste site URL to generate QR Code.
To avoid that, here is Chrome extension to get QR Code Host of the current tab.
This is open source project.
QR Code Host
QR Code Host
Generates QR code of current page. [Free Fast Small Secure]
Tushar Vaghela
GoTo can open and search some popular sites quickly with simple command on Google chrome omnibar. (command is "goto" in lowercase)
GoTo is not storing or using you data and searching sites publicly or using user login if user is already logged in.
Quickly goto and search your favorite sites from new tab
Tushar Vaghela
Ramu is your personal digital assistant.
Just type "ramu" in your browser and he is ready to serve you.
It's useful to open or search GitHub, YouTube, GMail, Google Maps, Bing, Amazon and many more. (Check Options page for list, alternatively type ramu help once installed)
Your personal digital assistant.
Tushar Vaghela
QR Host
QR Host
Scan QR, Right from you Tab!