Taha Zemmouri

Taha Zemmouri

CEO @ Eden AI
381 points
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Taha Zemmouri
Taha Zemmouri
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Low-code platform to meet internal business needs using AI

Hello everyone, I'm the CEO of Eden AI (www.edenai.co) - a platform that standardizes hundreds of AI APIs (generative AI but not only) so that users have everything in one place and can easily make their choice (price, latency, performance, etc) and can buy everything in one place. We're working on evolving our value proposition, and the idea is to enable our customers to "solve" their...
Taha Zemmouri
Taha Zemmouri
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html.to.design 3.0
html.to.design 3.0
Convert any website into fully editable Figma designs
Taha Zemmouri
Taha Zemmouri
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How to set up activation emails for your SaaS?

Hello everyone, We have a SaaS with autonomous onboarding of our users. A certain percentage of subscribers start to use our services, and then a small percentage start to use us in production and pay. For the moment, we send a single welcome email with our backend, but we'd like to send several depending on several scenarios (use of this or that feature, credit running out soon, product not...
Taha Zemmouri
Taha Zemmouri
started a discussion

Eden AI is Nominated for the Golden Kitty Awards 2023 for the First Time

Hello wonderful community πŸ‘‹ I'm thrilled to announce that Eden AI has been nominated as a finalist in the 2023 Product Hunt Golden Kitty Awards, in both the AI Infrastructure and Developer Tools categories! It's our first time achieving this remarkable feat. Our journey began with uncertainty and a focus on addressing needs that hadn't been met. Your unwavering support and faith in our vision...
Taha Zemmouri
Taha Zemmouri
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You got my vote! Could you support "Eden AI" in the two categories: "AI Infra" and "Developer Tools" :)
Shweta Kawar
πŸš€πŸŒŸ Celebrating Feedspace's Nomination at the Golden Kitty Awards! πŸŒŸπŸš€
Taha Zemmouri
Taha Zemmouri
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Done! Could you support Eden AI in the "AI Infra" and the "Developer Tools" category?
We are nominated for the 2023 Product Hunt Golden Kitty Awards! Let's support us!
Taha Zemmouri
Taha Zemmouri
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"Eden AI" in the "AI Infra" and "Developer Tools" categories!
Gaurav Parvadiya
Who is nominated for Golden Kitty Award? Let's help each other.
Gaurav Parvadiya
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Taha Zemmouri
Taha Zemmouri
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Congrats for the launch!
Unleash your best mental health: in a no-time & everyday way
Taha Zemmouri
Taha Zemmouri
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How does the Golden Kitty Award ranking work?

Hello everyone, I would like to know how the Golden Kitty Award ranking works. Do the upvotes include the votes obtained during the initial launch? Is there any way to see how we stack up against the competition? We're competing in two categories with our Eden AI platform: - AI Infra: https://www.producthunt.com/golden-kitty-awards/ai-infra - Developer Tools:...
Taha Zemmouri
Taha Zemmouri
started a discussion

Golden Kitty Awards: Nominated in two categories!

Hi PH friends, I hope you're well! I'm happy to announce that Eden AI (my company) has been nominated for the Golden Kitty Awards 2023 in two categories: AI Infra: https://www.producthunt.com/golden-kitty-awards/ai-infra Developer Tools: https://www.producthunt.com/golden-kitty-awards/developer-tools It would be great if you could vote for us to give us a chance to win :) Thanks in...
Taha Zemmouri
Taha Zemmouri
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Congrats for the launch!
ncScale 2.0
ncScale 2.0
Datadog for no code, 1 click monitoring for no code stack
Taha Zemmouri
Taha Zemmouri
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Congrats for the new version!
Submagic 2.0
Make your short-form videos more captivating with AI
Taha Zemmouri
Taha Zemmouri
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We launched today: asking for some support :)

Hi everyone, We launched "AskYoda" today! I'm shamelessly asking for some support! https://www.producthunt.com/posts/askyoda-by-eden-ai I would appreciate any upvote/comment you can provide :) Taha
Taha Zemmouri
🌟 With AskYoda, you can conquer the universe and train your chatbot on YOUR OWN data with OpenAI, Cohere, Anthropic, Google Cloud, AI21 Labs, and more LLMs to come! May the AI Force be with you πŸ‘Ύ
AskYoda by Eden AI
Combine the best AI/LLMs to build your Custom ChatGPT
Taha Zemmouri
Taha Zemmouri
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Awesome product, awesome team! Congrats for the launch :)
Open-source testing framework for LLMs & ML models
Taha Zemmouri
Taha Zemmouri
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Rakuten SixthSense TAP
Rakuten SixthSense TAP
Your co-pilot in quality excellence