Sulaimaan Durrani

Sulaimaan Durrani

Designer & Mover of the pixels.
9 points
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Sulaimaan Durrani
Transform your web design workflow with Navbars, the ultimate library of over 300+ predesigned Navbars designed specifically for Framer. Say Goodbye 👋🏻 to the tedious process of building navbars from scratch.
Navbar kit for Framer
Navbar kit for Framer
The Ultimate library of over 300+ customizable navbars.
Sulaimaan Durrani
Curation of Curations is a platform uniting top curated websites for designers and developers in a single place. A one-stop hub for inspiration, it saves hours of web scouring.
Curation of Curations
Curation of Curations
Web's best curated sites, curated for you