Zak Slayback

Zak Slayback

Career Expert. | Mktg @ 1517 Fund
63 points
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Zak Slayback

Networking doesn't have to feel sleazy.

And it doesn't have to be awkward and a drag.

The 7 Deadly Sins of Networking is a free nano-course to teach you what the biggest mistakes are that people make when networking, so you can avoid them and have more fun meeting new people.

7 Deadly Sins of Networking
A Free Course on How to Not Sabotage Yourself Networking
Zak Slayback

STOP STRESSING ABOUT EMAIL. Stop sending emails that don’t get replies. Stop telling yourself, “I hope they reply to me…” Stop feeling like you can’t get ahead. Take the stress out of LANDING MEETINGS with CEOs & executives, PITCHES with investors, dream job INTERVIEWS, and COFFEE with your dream mentors.

Email Anybody
Email Anybody
Make busy people reply to your emails
Zak Slayback

Learning how to send a successful email can take years of practice and trial-by-fire. Skip the process, skip the frustration, and learn directly from my best free material on how to become an email master.

Email Academy
Email Academy
Improve your email style, email anybody đź’Ś
Zak Slayback

Sending cold emails won't help your job search or sales cycle if every email you send gets ignored by Very Busy People. Emails that look like spam get ignored by the vast majority of Very Busy People you want to talk to. Doing quality outreach means doing research on your targets before you email them.

Ultimate Cold Email Research
Ultimate Cold Email Research
The #1 guide to doing research before sending cold emails
Zak Slayback

Email is a powerful tool. Everybody in the world has an email address & you can get in touch with them. I developed these email scripts from years of practice and cold emailing. They took me from being a nobody who grew up without an impressive network in rural Pennsylvania to getting coffee with my billionaire mentors & intellectual heroes.

Best Email Scripts
Best Email Scripts
Email scripts that actually get replies đź’Ś