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Shawn Olds
The simplest, most secure AI collaboration platform with top AI tools – ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, Llama, Perplexity, DALLE, SDXL– and 1,000+ custom GPTs. Make better decisions, personalize results, and cut costs when your team, AIs, and docs work together.
All AIs in one platform for team collaboration
Shawn Olds
Shawn Olds
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Jose Rodríguez
Do you have company page on linkedIn?
Jose Rodríguez
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Shawn Olds
Shawn Olds
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What would you ask AI?

Are there things you would ask an AI that you would not ask another person, either a professional or a friend?
Shawn Olds
Shawn Olds
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Breaking Through the Noise: What are your Winning Strategies for User Acquisition

What are the most effective user acquisition strategies for new apps in today's crowded market? Bonus question how can developers leverage data analytics to refine these tactics?
Shawn Olds
Shawn Olds
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Learning the GenAI Ropes

For teams new to GenAI, what types of onboarding, training, and support resources are crucial for the successful adoption and utilization of a GenAI platform? How can platforms effectively guide users through the learning process and empower them to leverage AI's full potential? What have you seen done that you thought was particularly impactful?
Shawn Olds
Shawn Olds
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Everyone has to start someplace

For teams with limited or no experience with GenAI, what are the best ways to introduce and integrate GenAI tools into their workflows without overwhelming them? What features or functionalities would be most beneficial for easing the learning curve and ensuring a smooth transition and true adoption?
Shawn Olds
Shawn Olds
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I will admit with bias but
Share AI tools or platforms that you use for remote work.
Shawn Olds
Shawn Olds
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Wearable Tech: The Next Frontier in Health and Wellness Wearable

Technology is advancing rapidly, providing new ways to monitor and improve health and wellness. From fitness trackers to smartwatches, these devices offer insights that were once only available in clinical settings. How has wearable technology impacted your health or fitness routine, and where do you see this technology going next and what products are you a fan of?
Shawn Olds
Shawn Olds
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Voice and AI

Voice and AI are shaping the future of home automation, customer service and gaming for NPCs. Last week at the Imagine AI Live Conference, I saw the power of Groq chips with GenAI in creating an amazingly life-like NPC for a video game. What are your thoughts and what are other areas you see impacted by this? What experiences have you had with voice and AI and what future developments are...
Shawn Olds
Shawn Olds
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Cybersecurity trends in 2024: Preparing for the next big threat

As digital innovation accelerates, so does the complexity of cybersecurity threats. In 2024, we are seeing a new wave of challenges that require advanced defenses. What cybersecurity trends concern you the most, and how do you think companies should prepare for the evolving landscape of digital threats? What products do you use / trust the most?
Shawn Olds
Shawn Olds
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Viola Schoell
Which social media platform do you use most?
Viola Schoell
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Shawn Olds
Shawn Olds
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The Intersection of Gaming and Education and AI

Gamification of Learning Gamification is making learning more engaging and effective by applying game-design elements in educational contexts. The addition of AI adds a great deal. This has the potential to transform education by catering to different learning styles. How do you think gamification and AI can impact education, and have you encountered any gamified learning experiences that...