Senthilnathan RM

Marketing at Wylo | Communities ❤️
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Senthilnathan RM
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Love the logo/custom emojis! So cute and funky!
OH, a potato!
OH, a potato!
AI powered zero-waste meal planner
Senthilnathan RM
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Are launch gallery images blurred for you?

Hey PH community, for the past days, the gallery images of launches of many products (if not all) are blurred. Are you facing the same issue too? I hope PH team looks into this and clears the issue. Cause, gallery images are just too good to be missed! 😭 Looking forward to seeing this fixed soon!
Senthilnathan RM
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What are some cool Product Hunt launch offer ideas?

Hey PH community, Product Hunt launch offer is a great incentive and way to bring in new customers. I've seen some exclusive Product Hunt launch offer ideas. But it's hard to find the best of them in one place with ease for inspiration. So I thought of curating them here in this post for all of us. :) So have you seen any such cool Product Hunt launch offers? Or have you made one...
Senthilnathan RM
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Do you do performance marketing for your product?

Hey, I've heard both positives and negatives about paid marketing. Even personally, I have a love-hate relationship with it. Especially Google ads. So have you used it for your product? What's your experience like? Would love to hear and lear.
Senthilnathan RM
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How do you deal with office politics?

Not everyone gets to have a safe place at work. You might have to go through tons of politics. At least, at some point in time, you'd have done or you'd go through. I have gone through it in the past. In the long run, it becomes a part of the whole game. So how do you deal with office politics? Is there a playbook to it? 😅 Would love to learn from your experience.
Senthilnathan RM
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I use Screencastify and Loom. I'm not sure whether they are the best. But they do fine for me. :)
Rohan Chaubey
What are some of the best screen recording and product walkthrough tools?
Rohan Chaubey
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Senthilnathan RM
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Both. But afternoons are when I suck. :|
Henry Burkert
Are you more productive in the morning or at night?
Henry Burkert
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Senthilnathan RM
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Work out and good music do magic for me.
Luka Brzin
What is the one thing you do in the morning thats sets the mood for the entire day?
Senthilnathan RM
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Hear pleasant and calming music.
Gia Quý Dương
What activities do you do to relieve stress while working?
Gia Quý Dương
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Senthilnathan RM
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Started using Taskito. So far so good.
Jose Rodríguez
What is you favorite to-do list app?
Jose Rodríguez
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Senthilnathan RM
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I do both. There are a few brands that do this. For eg, Nothing, Cred, Sleepy Owl, Souled Store, etc. Relying on just one doesn't sound bulletproof to me.
Business Marketing with Nika
Do you invest more in building your personal or company brand on social media?
Business Marketing with Nika
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Senthilnathan RM
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Someone just shared what I had in my mind for so long. Way more stuff can be built on this idea!
Garen Orchyan
Why Product Hunt needs Premium Subscriptions and Direct Messages.
Garen Orchyan
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Senthilnathan RM
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7 AM – 11 AM, wondering about your sleep time
Business Marketing with Nika
Do you have your favorite time frames for work?
Business Marketing with Nika
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