Sandeep Pandey

Sandeep Pandey

Software Developer and Maker
93 points
All activity
Sandeep Pandey
Nurture productive habits in your kids from an early age with Daily Planner — a habit building planner & journal for ages 7 to 12.
Daily Planner for Kids
Daily Planner for Kids
Nurture productive habits in your kids, from an early age.
Sandeep Pandey
The 2020 Planner helps you align your daily activities, with your biggest goals throughout the year. So you are focused on the few high impact actions that matter.
2020 Planner
2020 Planner
Accomplish your 2020 goals, in 52 weekly sprints.
Sandeep Pandey
Start your day happy with gratitude journaling—an effective science-backed routine for increased happiness.
The Agile You: Gratitude Journal
The Agile You: Gratitude Journal
Start your day happy, with gratitude journaling.
Sandeep Pandey
Build an effective planning routine that helps you get more done every day, with Weekly Planner!
A 52-week pen & paper planner for getting things done.
The Agile You: Weekly Planner
The Agile You: Weekly Planner
Organize your weeks, get more done & accomplish your goals.
Sandeep Pandey
Accomplish your quarterly goals (OKR's,) in weekly sprints.
The Goal pages help you set OKR's, break down and measure your progress. The Planning pages help you focus on the few tasks that matter.
Goal Planner
Goal Planner
Accomplish your quarterly goals/OKR's, in 13 weekly sprints
Sandeep Pandey
Build an effective routine that helps you get more done every day, with Daily Planner!
A 13-week pen & paper planner for getting things done.
The Agile You Daily Planner 2.0
The Agile You Daily Planner 2.0
Organize your day, get more done & feel better.
Sandeep Pandey
The PEAK PRODUCTIVITY PLANNER helps you Get organised, become productive & regain control of your time.
With a complete system for Productivity & Time Management that helps you accomplish big goals, by making consistent daily progress.
Peak Productivity Planner
Peak Productivity Planner
Undated Daily Planner for Productivity & Task Management
Sandeep Pandey
Made For complete beginners, with little or no previous coding experience.
The Designers, Makers & Product people, who want to learn how to code a beautiful, custom website for their various projects.
The Agile You: Learn to code websites
The Agile You: Learn to code websites
A fun & easy way to learn how to code your own website.
Sandeep Pandey
We're making an exciting new product... It's called TimePlanner. A simple tool for productivity and time management, that helps you get organised! And stay on-track long enough to-accomplish your most important goals.
The Agile You: Time Planner (APP)
The Agile You: Time Planner (APP)
Get organised, become productive & get your time back!