Salim Boudi

Salim Boudi

Webflow Expert | Marketing
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Salim Boudi
Salim Boudi
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An AI Product manager to augment your current PM, what do you think about this?

If you had an AI Product manager, what would you like it to do for you? what do you think it can be helpful for?
Salim Boudi
Salim Boudi
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- Slack 📨 - Iteration X 🎯 - Spotify 🎶 - Maps 😂
Julia Engelsmann
Which apps do you use the most?
Julia Engelsmann
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Salim Boudi
Salim Boudi
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🔥 Celebrating 50 Days streak 🚀

Launching our product made me use the PH platform, the Awesome community made me stay 👋 Cheers fam
Salim Boudi
Salim Boudi
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Videos affect load speed and SEO so much that's why they are not used a lot I think
Oscar Matton
What's your main pain by displaying video on your website?
Salim Boudi
Salim Boudi
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Chrome, Brave
Viola Schoell
Which internet browser are you using?
Viola Schoell
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Salim Boudi
Salim Boudi
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Algiers, Algeria 🇩🇿
Viola Schoell
Where are you from?
Viola Schoell
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Salim Boudi
Salim Boudi
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@iteration_x 🙌
Jose Rodríguez
Share your productivity tools
Jose Rodríguez
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Salim Boudi
Salim Boudi
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Do you think that nowadays, it's possible to build products without a project manger?

The Project Manager position is constantly evolving, many companies build their products without a project manager in their team, they instead opt for a flat structure where no body reports to anybody else, and everyone is responsible for what they build and ship, and we see more and more engineering-led teams. How do you manage to build? what do you think about these approaches?
Salim Boudi
Salim Boudi
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Do you think bug tracking should be seamlessly integrated into project management apps?

How do you manage to capture bugs and issues when you build your product?
Salim Boudi
Salim Boudi
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Definitely Daily 👋!
Viola Schoell
How often do you use PH to create a good community base?
Viola Schoell
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Salim Boudi
Salim Boudi
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If we are talking about a video recording of an actual product, it has to be Screen Studio 🙌
Meredith Lancaster
🎥 What is your go to software for FAST video creation that looks professional?
Meredith Lancaster
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