Mufassir Kazi

Mufassir Kazi

PM @BuildShip
114 points
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Mufassir Kazi
Create AI Assistants on any model of your choice (OpenAI, Azure, Claude), connected to your tools and database (Firebase, Supabase, Notion, Google Sheets + custom tools generated with AI). Let AI take action for your users on your product and websites.
AI Assistant and Bot Builder
AI Assistant and Bot Builder
Build custom AI assistant with no-code visually
Mufassir Kazi
Mufassir Kazi
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Low-code at its best!
Monetise Your GPT
Monetise Your GPT
Add Stripe checkout to your GPTs
Mufassir Kazi
Create powerful APIs, scheduled jobs, backend tasks with BuildShip. Connect together any AI model, pre-built workflow nodes, or generate one with AI. Tweak with code (if needed), and deploy instantly in one click. Experience the new way to Build & Ship!
Low-code visual backend builder, powered by AI
Mufassir Kazi
Mufassir Kazi
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Free unlimited editors for your Webflow CMS πŸŽ‰ Twitter needs to hear about this :)
Manage Webflow CMS on an Airtable like UI, for free
Mufassir Kazi
Supercharge your Webflow CMS on Rowy's Airtable-like UI for free. Get unlimited editors, rich features including 35+ fields like Markdown, Code blocks, Image/File storage in GCP, generate content with AI that flows directly to your Webflow CMS + more.
Manage Webflow CMS on an Airtable like UI, for free
Mufassir Kazi
Join Slack, Medium and Instagram in enabling a passwordless login experience.
With passwordless, developers can authenticate their users through email IDs or phone numbers!
SuperTokens Passwordless
Fully flexible, open source auth in 15 minutes