Monroe Mann

Monroe Mann;
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Monroe Mann
Monroe Mann
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Hello! I’m new. Just launched, a new contact management software. Nice to meet you! -Monroe
Monroe Mann
Monroe Mann
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Connecting! I just launched
Garen Orchyan
Let's connect and support each other 🦄🚀
Garen Orchyan
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Monroe Mann
Monroe Mann
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How to launch a Product?

How can I launch a product here?
Monroe Mann
Monroe Mann
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Just Launched

Hi all, My name is Dr. Monroe Mann. I’m new here, and looking for beta testers. I just launched a novel contact management platform based on psychology called — it helps you or your business to keep in better touch with your many contacts by assigning a relationship score to each contact. Cool, right? I’m not sure how product hunt works but I figured making an introductory...
Monroe Mann
Monroe Mann
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Hi Ghulam. Thanks! What services do you provide?
Ghulam Abbas
Are you launching this week?