Merve Cankiz Coruh

Merve Cankiz Coruh

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Merve Cankiz Coruh
Merve Cankiz Coruh
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Great deals. Thanks for bringing them together!
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Merve Cankiz Coruh
Merve Cankiz Coruh
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Always excited to explore new tools! Great work, team! πŸš€
Productool 2.0
Productool 2.0
100 next-gen SaaS products curated by Product People
Merve Cankiz Coruh
Productool is a list of 100 Next-Gen SaaS Products curated by Product People for Product People.
Productool 2.0
Productool 2.0
100 next-gen SaaS products curated by Product People
Merve Cankiz Coruh
Merve Cankiz Coruh
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πŸ“› It's a HIGH time for founders to listen to their customers!!

Hello hunters! During these turbulent times, I believe listening and 'understanding' the user needs have become vital than ever β€” I wrote a blog post about how important it is. Too many startups fall into the trap of focusing on 🚩 Unnecessary features, 🚩 Undervaluing user feedback, or 🚩 Misprioritizing their development goals. Really curious about your thoughts??...
Merve Cankiz Coruh
Merve Cankiz Coruh
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very useful bunch for product managers!
Batuhan Cebi
Have you read the PM book before? + Suggestions πŸš€
Merve Cankiz Coruh
Merve Cankiz Coruh
started a discussion

πŸͺ© We're live β€” SUPER EXCITED to hear your thoughts!! Producter AMA πŸš€

Hello hello! We're SO EXCITED!! We just launched our product! πŸͺ© We'd be super happy to have your support β€” and also support you on the launch day as well πŸš€πŸ™πŸ» I'm here to answer all your questions πŸ‘‹πŸ»
Merve Cankiz Coruh
Producter is a product management software for customer-centric product teams. Alongside with Feedback, Task, Documentation Modules, User Portal and Product Dashboard, now we are excited to launch Producter’s Changelog module πŸš€
Changelog by Producter
Keep your users and stakeholders in the loop
Merve Cankiz Coruh
Merve Cankiz Coruh
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Batuhan Cebi
Do you use Dashboard in Product Management processes? πŸ€”
Merve Cankiz Coruh
Merve Cankiz Coruh
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great question!
Batuhan Cebi
What is the effort of being Customer Centric?
Merve Cankiz Coruh
Merve Cankiz Coruh
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Insightful one! Congrats on the launch πŸͺ©
Audience First Handbook
Audience First Handbook
To start your own business, build an audience first
Merve Cankiz Coruh
Merve Cankiz Coruh
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Hello everyone, for those sharing changelogs, how do you measure the success of product success?
Batuhan Cebi
What did you share in the latest product update? Are you satisfied with the traffic you earn?
Merve Cankiz Coruh
Merve Cankiz Coruh
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Ferhan GΓΌl
Product Management Case Studies for Product Managers
Ferhan GΓΌl
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Merve Cankiz Coruh
Merve Cankiz Coruh
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Samet Ozkale
The perception of maturity in your product
Merve Cankiz Coruh
Merve Cankiz Coruh
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CS job board
CS job board
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Merve Cankiz Coruh
Merve Cankiz Coruh
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Really curious about the answers πŸ‘€
Eren GΓΌndΓΌz
How do you measure Product Analytics for your product ?
Eren GΓΌndΓΌz
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