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Explain NFT marketing copywriting?

"Redacted Remilio Babies is a collection of 10,000 neochibi pfpNFT's expanding the Milady Maker paradigm with the introduction of young J.I.T. energy and schizophrenic reactionary aesthetics." "neochibi" "Milady Maker paradigm" "young J.I.T. energy" "schizophrenic reactionary aesthetics" Could someone explain me how this works? Why NFT buyers find this copywriting (which reads like nonsense...
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Want to be interviewed for my podcast?

I am thinking to start a podcast, but I want to figure out: 1) if it's something I would find enjoyable enough to stick to it. 2) if my set up is decent enough for decent audio quality 3) If people understand my accent For my first episodes I am looking for anyone that can stick with me for 25 min of chatting. After we're done I will send you the file and if you don't like it, I will...
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Great app idea you can steal from me. You're welcome.

I had this idea right now, as I needed this and couldn't find anyone offering it: App that allows you to compare CPC of various platforms. Example, I want to advertise dog wigs, I want to know which will be cheaper: - Google ads - Facebook ads - Quora ads - Reddit ads etc. It would be nice to have a platform where I enter the KW and get a comparison of costs in various platforms so I can...
I help founders, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists who have fallen behind in their love life to chase success in their financial life.
Founders Dating Coach - Mark Venison
Founders Dating Coach - Mark Venison
I help founders find love
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Where can I see a list of the 3000 magazines where press releases will be published?
AI powered all-in-one software for public relations
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Cheapest affiliate program software?

Most softwares I found want at least $49 per month. For me it's too much considering I could easily make 0 sales for a year or two. I am looking for something free or very cheap until I hopefully get some big affiliates.
Hey billionaire-wannabe brothers! Let's see if running an AI agency is easy money as they say. I created an AI agency to help businesses who would like to integrate AI in their workflow but have no idea how to start. If you're great with AI, join our team.
AI Experts Top
AI Experts Top
AI agency to help you integrate AI in your business
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Online community where high net worth individuals hang out?

If I wanted to chat with millionaires and billionaires, where do you think they are most likely to hang out online? I would exclude tiktok, instagram or reddit for example. Here on product hunt I think it's mostly normal guys like me building companies, and ok, the occasional millionaire SaaS guy. But yeah, ideas? :)
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Can you make me an app that removes distractions from reddit, youtube and tiktok

I would pay for a tool that lets me see the question title in reddit subs, let me answer it and that's it. I don't want to see anything else, I don't want to see replies, I don't want to see karma or not karma. I don't want notifications. I don't want to see usernames of other people. Just the question and I answer it, in a completely zen state with zero distractions around. Same for tiktok...
Prevent others from relapsing and ask help when you're about to give in. Recovering addicts when they're alone are most susceptible to relapse. This community is to make sure someone is always there to talk you out of it.
Don't Do It Bro
Don't Do It Bro
"Help and be helped" community for recovering addicts
Punish yourself by throwing $100 in the rubbish if you don't do what you said you were gonna do. Keep yourself accountable and motivated to achieve your goals.
Punish Me
Punish Me
Punish yourself šŸ‘æ if you don't follow through šŸ’ø