Lucas Roquilly

Lucas Roquilly

Passionate full stack developer
222 points
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Lucas Roquilly
Raise funds like a pro with a slick, smart CRM. Add investors from our free database, find out the best access point, track decks, centralize replies, and more. The CRM is 100% free for all founders, forever.
OpenVC Fundraising CRM
OpenVC Fundraising CRM
Raise funds for your startup with a slick, smart CRM
Lucas Roquilly
Need help to raise your next round? We listed the best fundraising advisors, including their pricing and references when available. Oh - and it's 100% free! 🤗
Find the perfect fundraising advisor for your startup
Lucas Roquilly
This is the best way to find the perfect deck designer: - 16 pitch deck specialists, individually selected - Transparent pricing, with $ clearly indicated - Real samples of past works visible on page Of course, no sign up required & 100% free :)
Find the perfect designer for your pitch deck
Lucas Roquilly
Lucas Roquilly
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Some cool inspirations, good job ;)
Best SaaS Hero Designs for Inspiration
240+ Best hero image inspiration for your SaaS
Lucas Roquilly
Lucas Roquilly
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Congrats on the launch !
BaseTemplates 2.0
Everything you need to raise money for your startup
Lucas Roquilly
Lucas Roquilly
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Great tool, good job guys !
Venture Capital Tool Stack
Tools & resources for VC investors
Lucas Roquilly
Instantly find the "best fit" VC funds for your startup. OpenVC lets you browse 2,200+ funds by investment criteria. In return, VCs receive less spam and more qualified deal flow. Let's build an open way into VC!
2,200+ VC firms by thesis. Radically free and open. 🚀
Lucas Roquilly
Lucas Roquilly
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Great idea, even greater execution
1,200+ startup slides sorted by category