Leah Culver

Leah Culver

Founder & CTO, Breaker
393 points
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Leah Culver
Today we're thrilled to roll out the 1.0 of Breaker for Android with a new layout, updated timeline, the ability to use Breaker without an account, and sign in with Google!
Breaker for Android
Listening to podcasts on Android has never been better!
Leah Culver
Love podcasts? Try out the new Breaker 1.0 for iOS. We've simplified the layout and minimized the number of tabs. No log in is required to try it out and you can create an account to subscribe, like episodes, comment, and create playlists. Also, a new icon!
Breaker 1.0 for iOS
Breaker 1.0 for iOS
New version of the popular podcast app
Leah Culver
The popular social podcast app, Breaker, is now available for Android!
Discover hot new episodes, find and follow friends, like and comment on your favorite episodes, and listen up to 3x speed. Welcome Android friends, to the best podcast app!
Breaker for Android
Social podcasts are now available on Android
Leah Culver

Breaker Upstream is the first open marketplace for podcasters to sell premium audio content directly to listeners. Podcasters of all sizes can now earn revenue without relying on advertising, making it easier for anyone to start a successful podcast.

Breaker Upstream
The first premium podcast marketplace
Leah Culver

Listen to the best new podcast episodes with Breaker. Follow your friends to see what they’re listening to, and discover new shows that you’ll love. Like, share, and comment on your favorite episodes. Join the Breaker community and listen to the best stuff!

The social podcast app 🎧
Leah Culver
The faster, easier, and cheaper way to get services.
Leah Culver

Listen to the best new podcast episodes with Breaker. Follow your friends to see what they’re listening to, and discover new shows that you’ll love. Like, share, and comment on your favorite episodes. Join the Breaker community and listen to the best stuff!

The social podcast app 🎧
Leah Culver
Leah Culver
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Lots of swag from failed startups for yoooouuuuu.
Secret Santa with the Product Hunt community