Joao Paulo Furtado

Joao Paulo Furtado

I'm a full-stack JS dev from Canada
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Joao Paulo Furtado
Joao Paulo Furtado
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Evaluate more than 6000 different tokens, avoid crypto scams
Joao Paulo Furtado
Hey everyone! I'm Joao, one of the co-founders of BlueShip. Our solution provides insights about more than 6000, evaluating aspects such as development activity, sentiment, community, awareness, credibility, volume, etc, helping you to filter our "scam coins".
Evaluate more than 6000 different tokens, avoid crypto scams
Joao Paulo Furtado
BlueShip is an investment learning app where you can invest with dummy money, without risk (but with real-time quotes). Here's a summary of our current features: company fundamental insights, portfolios, tracking, watch lists and more.
Check it out! It's free!
Learn how to invest without risking real money
Joao Paulo Furtado
Joao Paulo Furtado
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brillant idea
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