All activity
James Lovatt

Advertisers can now create campaigns that enable consumers to earn products and services in exchange for completing tasks.

First platform to earn & purchase directly from companies
James Lovatt

AcademyCoin is a fully functional cryptocurrency operating on it’s own private blockchain. Enabling educators to accept international payments is only the first of many on-chain features being released. The biggest upcoming feature was all over Reddit (/r/ethereum /r/cryptocurrency) this past weekend is called "Proof of Creation."

Online education powered by the blockchain
James Lovatt
Hacksaw Beta
Hacksaw Beta
Bite-sized fully interactive programming tutorials
James Lovatt
Hacksaw Academy
Hacksaw Academy
Learn how to design, develop & deploy useful apps online
James Lovatt
Promo Push
Promo Push
Promote records to a powerful DJ & music industry userbase
James Lovatt
Financing students to learn software development