Jonny Buchanan

Jonny Buchanan

Making stuff with JavaScript and such
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Jonny Buchanan
Browser extension which makes it easer to follow comment threads on Hacker News across multiple visits, allows you to annotate and mute users, and other UI tweaks and mobile UX improvements
Comments Owl for Hacker News
Highlight new comments, mute users & tweak UI on Hacker News
Jonny Buchanan
Control Panel for Twitter gives you some of the settings you wish Twitter Web had, and also adds some missing features. Missing your third-party Twitter client on your iPhone? Control Panel for Twitter can give you back some control over your timeline.
Control Panel for Twitter
Control Panel for Twitter
Tame your Twitter Web timeline
Jonny Buchanan
Remote control VLC media player on a computer in your local network.
Uses VLC's HTTP API to mirror VLC's playlist and lets you browse files, save favourite folders, enqueue media and control playback settings.
VLC Remote
VLC Remote
A remote control for VLC media player, ad-free & open source
Jonny Buchanan
Automatically highlights new comments and collapses threads without new comments when you revisit an item's comments on Hacker News.
New comment counts since your last visit are displayed on item listing pages.
Also includes other tweaks for comment threads.
HN Comments Owl
Highlight new Hacker News comments, and other UX tweaks
Jonny Buchanan
This extension aims to reduce "engagement" on New Twitter by keeping you on the chronological timeline and moving retweets to a separate timeline, so your main feed contains only what the people you follow have to say. It also tones down some UI elements.
Tweak New Twitter
Tweak New Twitter
Reduce "engagement" and tone down some of New Twitter's UI