Hendrik Kaju

Hendrik Kaju

Machine Learning Engineer
149 points
All activity
Hendrik Kaju
Ask a Local by Teleport
Ask a Local by Teleport
A Q&A community for people moving to a new city
Hendrik Kaju
Teleport Eightball
Teleport Eightball
Compare your salary and costs of living in cities worldwide
Hendrik Kaju
Teleport Zen
An interactive moving checklist and guide
Hendrik Kaju
Teleport Sundial 2.0
Teleport Sundial 2.0
Your remote team's locations, time zones and availability
Hendrik Kaju
Teleport Runway
Teleport Runway
Locate your startup based on your burn rate and runway
Hendrik Kaju
Teleport City Profiles
Teleport City Profiles
Move to your best place to live and work
Hendrik Kaju
Teleport Sundial
Teleport Sundial
How distributed teams work well across timezones.