Helen Holovach

Helen Holovach

14 points
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Helen Holovach
Helen Holovach
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works awesome! like the tool, and it should be terribly useful to sales reps
Text to Calendar
Text to Calendar
Easily create a calendar event from highlighted text
Helen Holovach
Helen Holovach
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woah, nice thing! that's what i needed for quite a while! thanx
Find anyone's social media profiles in seconds
Helen Holovach
Helen Holovach
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seems the tool is really time-saving and handy. thank you guys and congrats on launch!
Transfer LinkedIn profile data to Google Sheet in a click
Helen Holovach
Helen Holovach
left a comment
coolio! clear design and easy-to-use tool. thank you!
All functions needed to make meetings great
Helen Holovach
Helen Holovach
left a comment
awesome update, thank you guys!
NeuralCam - Auto-editing Camera
NeuralCam - Auto-editing Camera
AI auto-editing camera. Auto-remove people from photos
Helen Holovach
Helen Holovach
left a comment
Awesome thing, thanx for the collection!
300+ AI Tools
300+ AI Tools
300+ AI tools that can save your dozen of hours every week
Helen Holovach
Helen Holovach
left a comment
Shared the tool with our team and they liked it a lot! Thanx!
Propstar for Figma
Propstar for Figma
Generate instance tables for your Figma components
Helen Holovach
Helen Holovach
left a comment
Pretty much useful thing, like it!
Product Management Curated
50+ content curated for product managers