

Author, Open Source Contributor
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Niuco is a Software management platform for: - Reduce the money wasted on unused software licenses - Eliminate shadow IT and raise compliance - Automate employee onboard and off-board process Niuco | Manage software spending correctly
Say goodbye to SaaS shadow IT and license (mis)management
MacOSThemeDetector was designed to track theme (Dark|Light) changes and run scripts or callback http endpoints to trigger actions as changing room lights, taking pictures or locking your slack account so you don't work overtime. Create the dark mode for your physical room !
MacOS Theme Detector
MacOS Theme Detector
Automate your life with MacOS theme changes
This is not a training program. It is a book with actionable information to help you if you just got promoted, want to structure an engineering team or just want to add to your tool box. You will find templates to get started on engineering management.
The CTO Field Guide
The CTO Field Guide
A handbook to get tech leaders started