Fredo Tan

Fredo Tan

Growth & Customer Success at ProtoPie
323 points
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Fredo Tan
Fredo Tan
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Awesome to see Ditto improve over time and add more features. Keep up the great work!
Ditto for Developers
Sync the latest copy edits from design to development
Fredo Tan
Fredo Tan
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Regularly measure NPS would be a good one.
Vikram Sahu ꩜
How do you measure customer satisfaction on your product?
Vikram Sahu ꩜
Join the discussion
Fredo Tan
Turn your Figma designs into realistic, conditional prototypes.
Make dynamic interactions involving conditions, formulas, and variables. Add text input, camera, voice, media playback, and a whole lot more to your prototypes. The possibilities are endless.
ProtoPie for Figma
Add powerful, conditional interactions to your Figma designs
Fredo Tan
Lovers Magazine is a diverse and inclusive online community for creative professionals. We strive to discover what excites the best designers the most about their craft and passions.
Lovers Magazine (prev. Interface Lovers)
Your favourite design magazine is back!
Fredo Tan
Fredo Tan
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Would love to read this article when available!
Eve Weinberg
Collaboration micro-interactions that rule!
Fredo Tan
Fredo Tan
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3D design to the next level. Excited to learn more.
Design tool for 3D web experiences
Fredo Tan
Fredo Tan
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Just brilliant.
2020 Wrapped by Spotify
The songs you loved most this year, all wrapped up.
Fredo Tan
Fredo Tan
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Seems like a lot of websites and platforms should be using this!
Student Status
Student Status
Seamlessly and instantly verify student identity
Fredo Tan
The future of interactive prototyping–ProtoPie 5.0!
🙅‍♂️ No more interaction spec decks! Just share interaction recipes with your engineers–much more than a handoff.
✨ Start creating your very own interaction design system with interaction libraries.
ProtoPie 5.0
The future of interactive prototyping is here.
Fredo Tan
Fredo Tan
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Would love to try this. Signed up.
Manage the words across the surfaces of your product
+1 comment
Fredo Tan
Interactive prototyping for the digital products of tomorrow...
with the all-new ProtoPie 4.0.
✔ Realistic, customized microinteractions
✔ Reusable interaction components
✔ Seamless import from Sketch, Figma, and Adobe XD
✔ macOS & Windows
✔ iOS & Android
ProtoPie 4.0
Change the way you prototype on macOS & Windows