Felix Tao

Co-founder of MindOS. Ex-Meta.
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Felix Tao
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Yeah, very much needed! I think the concept of future AI memory should be a dynamic, fluid entity!
Do you need an AI that organizes your fragmented ideas into a clean note?
MindOS Memory Twin is your custom, AI-powered companion. Capture thoughts, memories, documents, links, or photos. Then, look back on any moment or even collaborate with your Twin using their unique memory of you. It's everything you know, all in one place🧠
MindOS Memory Twin
MindOS Memory Twin
Memorize, organize & amplify your thoughts
Felix Tao
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We are launching MindOS Memory Twin on Sunday!

Exciting news! After months of hard work and discussions with users, I'm thrilled to announce MindOS Memory Twin is launching in less than 24 hours! πŸš€ Please upvote and comment: https://www.producthunt.com/products/mindos Highlights: 🧠 Memories β€” Never forget anything again with a digital Memory Twin. This Twin will collect information as you go about your day, organizing it all in a digital...
Felix Tao
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This is definitely a core and concrete one! A start of organic growth.
Marcel Sim
Day 1 of the 99 MOST important tips for a successful launch!
Felix Tao
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12:01 AM (PST) is generally the best slot.
Satish Singh
Which time is best for launch?
Felix Tao
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Pinning this! Gold stuff to read.
Faiza Jamil
Painful reality of SEO