Aron Steehouwer

Aron Steehouwer

Building a Mobile app for b2b founders
22 points


My duty is to increase the success rate among new business-to-business startups. Eliminating the major time consumer of seeking places your target audience are, filtering 'good' from 'bad' prospects, and getting them to know your project. i envision to fulfill this duty by launching a mobile networking app for startup founders, so they are surrounded by their target audience 24/7. Giving every user a fair chance, and fast way, to engage with the right audience. Overall, its purpose is to provide early-stage B2B founders a way to grow a name, build authorithy and unicity, and gain the perceived value of their (upcoming) startup.


Founder & Leadership



Gone streaking 10
Gone streaking 10
Gone streaking
Gone streaking
Gone streaking 5
Gone streaking 5

Maker History

  • FounderHunt
    Build authority as a founder in the b2b sphere
    May 2024
  • faindrr
    Mobile app for early-stage B2B startup founders to network
    Apr 2024
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntJuly 6th, 2023