Daniel Zaitzow

Daniel Zaitzow

Spearheading Ops at ContentBlocks 🚀
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Daniel Zaitzow
Daniel Zaitzow
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Does sending people a direct link to your launch decrease visibility?

I've had a number of people reach out to me without a link to their products - I wonder if PH has a flag system in place for that type of behaviour. Seems a little silly to have that a permission / contingency VS not cracking down on folks who clearly pay for upvotes haha. Any insight?
Daniel Zaitzow
Daniel Zaitzow
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Business Marketing with Nika
How would you describe PH to someone who has never heard about this platform? 😀
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Daniel Zaitzow
Daniel Zaitzow
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Does anyone use Front? Thoughts?

We're using it and it seems great for CSR stuff but I am curious if anyone LOVES another platform. We used intercom for a while and I loved it but it wasn't our development team's favourite.
Daniel Zaitzow
Daniel Zaitzow
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We want to be product led but starting out we're debating using a mixed SL / PL strategy - thoughts?

Interesting if anyone has shifted their sales strategy to sales led at the onset to get more engagement and then transitioned into a more product led approach?
Daniel Zaitzow
Daniel Zaitzow
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Onboarding Email Sequences - How many is too many?

Curious how many emails send after someone signs up for your (free, trial or paid) service for the first time and what you've done to improve those sequences over time?
Daniel Zaitzow
Daniel Zaitzow
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New to SEO - specifically in SaaS - Any insight re: resources?

I'd love to start to sink my teeth into SEO and how to best rank for certain key words. I've done research and my wife has an SEO team but I am curious if anyone has any niche resources as they directly relate to Software / Marketing / SaaS etc?
Daniel Zaitzow
Daniel Zaitzow
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Have you ever considered launching on a weekend?

I'd love to hear about the thought process / pros / cons etc.