Даниел Димов

Даниел Димов

CEO, Mobidonia
12 points
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Даниел Димов
Create Admin Panel for any mobile app or software product that uses Firebase.
Speed-up project development time by 40% by cutting off the time you need to make the admin panel. With our Headless CMS creator, managing your Firebase Data has never been easier.
Headless CMS for Firebase
Даниел Димов

React App Builder is DIY – Do it yourself mobile app builder where you can make an unlimited number of iOS and android apps.

Make your app by choosing one of the available templates. Then add, edit, reorder the app sections. 30+ sections.

Next change app design, colors, layout.

Add your content

And publish your app on Google Play and App Store.

React App Builder
React App Builder
World's first React Native App Builder
Даниел Димов

Mobidonia is native iPhone, Android and iPad online app builder.

Native mobile app builder for iOS, Android & Apple Watch
Даниел Димов

ServerStats is android and ios app where you can gain server informations anytime anywhere. CPU, Load Average, Disk, Memory and Network Usage.

Server Statistic on on your mobile
Даниел Димов

You say #huh when you are confused.

But don't be #huh when you pick what you like at your friends the most.

Will they know who pick them?

tbh, probably not ;)

You set your identity by saying 3 things about you.

We pick one of thous things to show to your friend.

So it is up to you.

Invite your friends, so you have better options.

huh - Polls about your friends
huh - Polls about your friends
Pick the friend that you like the most.
Даниел Димов

Firebase Admin Panel is Firebase advance dynamic admin panel that works for every firebase live database configuration. View your Firebase data organized and easy to manage.

Firebase Admin Panel
Firebase Admin Panel