Dana Srebrnik

Dana Srebrnik

Social media manager at Wix.com
80 points
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Dana Srebrnik
Create your logo for free, in minutes with Wix Logo Maker, an AI-powered design platform. Your logo comes in a range of formats so you can make sure your brand looks its best on your website, social channels and more.
Wix Logo Maker
Design a logo that tells your story with our AI-powered tool
Dana Srebrnik
Need a logo for your business? With the Wix Logo Maker, you can design your own unique, professional logo. Use it on your site, social platforms and business materials.
Wix Logo Maker
Wix Logo Maker
Customize your very own professional logo
Dana Srebrnik
Editor X provides modern CSS technologies including Flexbox and Grid, all with precise drag and drop, so designers and web creators can control the exact position and styling of elements at every viewport.
Wix Editor X
Wix Editor X
Build with modern CSS technology without coding
Dana Srebrnik
Velo is an open development platform that accelerates the way you build web applications. Add custom functionality and interactions using Velo's APIs and enjoy serverless coding in both the front-end and backend, all in an open, extendable platform.
Velo by Wix
Velo by Wix
Build advanced web applications, hassle-free
Dana Srebrnik

Manage all your customer interactions from one place. Effortlessly capture leads, build relationships, take payments and more.

Ascend by Wix
Ascend by Wix
Connect, manage and grow your business
Dana Srebrnik
Wix Video
Wix Video
Sell/rent videos. Put YouTube, Vimeo, FB into one library
Dana Srebrnik
Wix App
Wix App
Discover a new way to manage your website, business and blog