All activity
Chris Barber

Breakout List 2019 helps tech candidates with the luxury of choice accelerate their careers by showing them excellent companies to apply to.

Breakout List 2019
List of high potential and high growth startups
Chris Barber
New YC List
New YC List
A new list of YC startups (S14, W14, S15)
Chris Barber
Rive Nearby + Rive for Apple Watch
Rive Nearby + Rive for Apple Watch
Meet people nearby, see people who walked by
Chris Barber
Breakout Career Notes
Breakout Career Notes
A list of career advice for engineers
Chris Barber
The Q2 Breakout List
The Q2 Breakout List
A list of the fastest growing startups (Q2, 2015)
Chris Barber
The Breakout List, Q2 2015
The Breakout List, Q2 2015
A list of the fastest growing startups
Chris Barber
The Breakout List, Q2 2015
The Breakout List, Q2 2015
The fastest growing startups (Q2 2015)
Chris Barber
Breakout List
Breakout List
A list of the fastest growing startups