Hakan Baybas

Hakan Baybas

Co-founder & CEO @ Commented.io
474 points
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Hakan Baybas
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Hakan Baybas
Hakan Baybas
started a discussion

How is your attitude while talking to ChatGPT?

I'm still same Hakan, kind and friendly :-) I say thank you after every response and ask my questions with starting "please" word.
Hakan Baybas
Hakan Baybas
started a discussion

When the day ends what makes you feel like you spent a productive day?

From my side, if I can note down my to-do list in the morning and complete some of them or a few tasks from my backlog, it makes me feel productive. Tell me what makes you feel you were productive at the end of the day?
Hakan Baybas
Hakan Baybas
left a comment
Wordpress is the legend :-)
Isa Tanis
Framer or Webflow?
Hakan Baybas
Hakan Baybas
left a comment
Defo sidebar.
Serkan Mercan
Which layout do you prefer on a digital product?
Serkan Mercan
Join the discussion
Hakan Baybas
Hakan Baybas
left a comment
I think being async is more efficient, sometimes less productive but still good to be async.
Naime Yel
Which work style is more efficient for you: Synchronous work or Asynchronous work?
Hakan Baybas
Hakan Baybas
left a comment
Congrats on your launch. We'll give it a try. 🎉
Huudle AI Project Assistant
Connect meetings, track to-do, get aligned
Hakan Baybas
Hakan Baybas
started a discussion

🙏 Huge thanks for your precious support to Commented.io 🫶🏻❤️

I want to thank this big family for the amazing support on Commented's launch day, it was a fantastic moment for us, we will never forget it. Thanks to feedback and questions we received on launch day we will start next week more ready and stable. Still we need every view to make Commented perfect, if you have a question, a suggestion, please share with...
Hakan Baybas
Ready to simplify your product team’s workflow and eliminate live meeting fatigue? Say goodbye to scattered feedback and endless meetings. With Commented, you can generate, share, and collaborate on feedback seamlessly.
Simplify feedback, keep your team aligned, no live meetings
Hakan Baybas
Hakan Baybas
started a discussion

🚀 Launching Commented.io today | AI Powered Precise Feedback Tool 🎉

Hey, Product Hunt community, I'm thrilled to announce the launch of Commented.io today, a game-changer for feedback sending and collecting on your live web and mobile projects👩‍💻👨‍💻Products will be perfect with the help of Commented.io. Please give your support here: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/commented-io What is Commented.io? Commented helps you to collect pinned feedback and...
Hakan Baybas
Hakan Baybas
left a comment
Congratulations, great idea.🎉 Is there an API to use it as well?
Transform screenshots into searchable treasures with AI
Hakan Baybas
Hakan Baybas
started a discussion

When did you really enjoy joining a tech event and what was it?

Well, I do really like to go to tech events but sometimes I feel like repeating myself and not gaining new things. How do you feel?