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Brian Lawrence
The Binge Island Website Starter Plan is a subscription web design service that makes it easy for small business owners to build a simple website, collect leads, and keep their customers up-to-date – all for an affordable monthly price.
Website Starter
Website Starter
Small business. Big Presence.
Brian Lawrence
Brian Lawrence
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Web Design Workshop for Small Business is Live today!

Hey Everyone! In observing and talking with many small business owners and startup founders, one of the areas I've seen them struggle with is designing a good website or landing page for their product or business. I've put together a running workshop series that I'll use to address this problem. I've worked on the content for this workshop and made it affordable so that anyone who wants to...
Brian Lawrence
The Web Design Workshop for Small Business is an intense weekly 2-hour training session designed to help small business owners and startup founders design professional websites for their brands so that they can boost their credibility and make more sales.
Web Design Workshop For Small Business
Web Design Workshop For Small Business
Web Design Workshops for Small Business Owners and Startups
Brian Lawrence
Brian Lawrence
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We just launched the FREE Ultimate Web Design Toolkit - Please check it out and support!

Hey everyone, We've been working for a while on this resource to help people who want to build or improve their websites. It's basically a live master list of web design tools and assets. It's very barebones at the moment πŸ˜… but the plan is to continue to flesh it out with more resources and improve the look and feel over time. We're open to any feedback or resource suggestions, and feel free...
Brian Lawrence
Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a first-time website owner, this toolkit has everything you need to bring your vision to life online. Browse through to discover the tools and assets that will empower you to build, manage, and optimise your website.
The Ultimate Web Design Toolkit
The Ultimate Web Design Toolkit
Free tools & assets to help you build or revamp your website
Brian Lawrence
Brian Lawrence
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Do you need a website for your product?

We've pivoted at Binge Island and we're looking for people who need a website for their brand or product. Let me know in the comments or reach out to me on LinkedIn! LinkedIn - Binge Island Website -
Brian Lawrence
Brian Lawrence
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How many of you Product Hunters have a podcast?

I was thinking about the impact that having a podcast has on business or product launches and exposure, and I was curious to know this. If you have one, link it here!
Brian Lawrence
Brian Lawrence
started a discussion

How do you build a solid Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?

When you're building a product, how do you put together something that works exactly how it's supposed to and does the bare minimum so that you can put it out into the world and start getting feedback?
Brian Lawrence
Brian Lawrence
started a discussion

How do you stay motivated on your entrepreneurial journey?

There are ups and downs along this path, but how do you keep yourself going?
Brian Lawrence
Brian Lawrence
started a discussion

What's the best way to create content if you're new to creating content?

So, I'm not new to creating content, but I am a bit rusty πŸ˜… I want to know how you guys get into a groove of creating or get into that flow of creating content and then releasing it to the public.
Brian Lawrence
Brian Lawrence
started a discussion

What are the best types of products to launch on Product Hunt?

So, I know Product Hunt as a list of what works best on the platform, but I want to hear from the community. What products do you think work best on a platform like Product Hunt and why do you think so?
Brian Lawrence
Brian Lawrence
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When is the right time to pivot your business idea?

I've been thinking about this topic a lot, not because I want to pivot myself, but because I want to know if there's an ideal time to pivot a product or business. What say you, Product Hunt community? When should you keep going and when should you pack it up and move on to the next idea?
Brian Lawrence
Brian Lawrence
left a comment
Great move! Good luck on the launch. I'll definitely support.
Lewis Carhart
Hey PH! I'm launching my 3rd free tool of 2024 this coming monday πŸ‘€ I plan on launching another 9!
Lewis Carhart
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