Begüm Yaşar

Begüm Yaşar

Hi, I am UI&UX Designer.
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Begüm Yaşar
We all watch videos. Every day.

Unleash your productivity on your iPhone with PiPiFire 🔥.

Watch YouTube videos on your iPhone while reading tweets or even while browsing Product Hunt with a magic tap on with iOS 15, Safari.

Enjoy it! ❤️
Picture in picture Youtube videos for iPhone with a tap
Begüm Yaşar
Mindfulness for Everyone!
On iOS 15, customize your Safari New Tab Page with Mindful Quotes! Every day a mindful quote on your safari tab, even with hundreds of live themes. You can even customize the font for the quotes too.
Made with lots of love.
Mindful Tab: Safari Mindfulness Quotes
Mindful Tab: Safari Mindfulness Quotes
Customize Your Mobile New Tab Page with Live Themes on iOS15