David Brown

David Brown

Dev & Co-Founder of Notif.me
32 points
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David Brown
On average, children ask around 300 questions per day! "Why?" will vocally (and safely) answer all your questions with ChatGPT like if you were 5 years old. Get simplified explanations to complex topics, from science to history, just by speaking.
Answer your kids' questions with ChatGPT
David Brown
Syntactic sugar inspired from rails Duration utilities: manipulate durations and apply them on Dates, based on luxon.
Rails-like syntactic sugar for JS
David Brown

Notif.me History is an open source tool to keep an history of the conversations with your users.

Notif.me History
Notif.me History
A pretty history of the conversations with your users.
David Brown

Notif.me SDK is open source Node.js lib to send all your transactional notifications

Notif.me SDK
Notif.me SDK
A Node.js lib to send all your transactional notifications
David Brown
Signup anywhere without giving your email address