Abhijit Gupta

Abhijit Gupta

Working on GitHub Trends
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Abhijit Gupta
With Spotify Wrapped all over social media, I created GitHub Trends to view and share your own (unofficial) GitHub Wrapped! See your repositories and languages sorted by lines of code, your activity grouped by time and day, and more!
GitHub Wrapped 2023
GitHub Wrapped 2023
Discover and share code contribution insights
Abhijit Gupta
With Spotify Wrapped all over social media, I created GitHub Trends to view and share your own (unofficial) GitHub Wrapped! See your repositories and languages sorted by lines of code, your activity grouped by time and day, and more!
GitHub Wrapped
GitHub Wrapped
Discover and share coding contribution insights
Abhijit Gupta
Moving to New York? Hopscotch helps you discover suitable neighborhoods based on many factors: budget, grocery stores, gyms, subway lines, bike share, parks, safety, proximity to specific locations and more.
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Abhijit Gupta
Inspired by Spotify Wrapped, GitHub Trends has a "wrapped" feature that allows users to look back on a year of development and growth. See your repositories and languages sorted by lines of code, your activity grouped by time and day, and more!
GitHub Wrapped
GitHub Wrapped
Discover and share code contribution insights
Abhijit Gupta
Abhijit Gupta
left a comment
Looks great, congrats on the launch!
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