Allex Dominic

Allex Dominic

SEO Specialist | Copywriter | Doer.
8 points
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Allex Dominic
Allex Dominic
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Anyone know a good AI image editor?

I wrote this blog and I want to add more to it; Thanks in advance!
Allex Dominic
Allex Dominic
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What do you think about SquareSpace?

The internet has been talking about SquareSpace - a trending website builder, for weeks now. Care to share what you think?
Allex Dominic
Allex Dominic
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As someone who is new this platform, this is very helpful! Thanks for sharing!
Business Marketing with Nika
10 things you may not know about Product Hunt 😼
Business Marketing with Nika
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Allex Dominic
Allex Dominic
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What's the best all-in-one branding solution for startups?

Hey everyone! I need the best branding solution for someone who is new to open a business.
Allex Dominic
Allex Dominic
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AI today or AI in 2022?

In 2022, AI sparked many new inventions. There were smarter virtual assistants that understood us better. In healthcare, AI helped diagnose and treat patients more personally. Finance got safer with AI spotting fraud and suggesting investments. Cars got smarter too, with AI making them safer to drive. Language translation got easier thanks to AI. And in factories, robots did more work, making...
Allex Dominic
Allex Dominic
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Are we nearing artificial general intelligence, or is it still beyond reach?

Although I don't know when AGI will happen. It's tricky. Some say soon, some say not soon. We're trying hard, but it's complex. Gotta keep learning and improving.
Allex Dominic
Allex Dominic
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Can you trademark AI logos?

Allex Dominic
Allex Dominic
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Do you know any famous logos designed by a woman?

Mine is the "I Love NY" logo, created by graphic designer Milton Glaser's employee, Mary Wells Lawrence, in the 1970s.
Allex Dominic
Allex Dominic
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though I learned something here on the blog I wrote:
Allex Dominic
What are the best tips in Graphic Design as a beginner?
Allex Dominic
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Allex Dominic
Allex Dominic
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What are the best tips in Graphic Design as a beginner?

Just diving into graphic design here and looking for some guidance. What are your top tips for beginners like me? Share your advice to help me get started on the right foot! Thanks in advance!
Allex Dominic
Allex Dominic
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Ever afraid of using AI?

At first, I had my doubts. Would it be too complex? Would it steal the human touch? But as I delved deeper, the fears and anxieties faded (especially as a writer!). AI isn't here to replace us; it's here to supercharge what we do. Just use it in the right amount and the healthiest way possible. Read this blog if you want to know more:...
Allex Dominic
Allex Dominic
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AI logo generators are growing!

Working as an SEO specialist in an AI logo generator company, I can tell you that the industry is booming. With everything going digital, businesses are keen on having a strong online presence, and logos are a big part of that. AI has made logo design quicker and more creative, improving the overall quality. In my job, I focus on making sure our website shows up well on search engines. As...
Allex Dominic
Allex Dominic
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Do Colors Have Copyright?

You might think that colors are free for everyone to use, but in reality, certain colors can be protected by copyright laws. For example, the specific shade of red used by Coca-Cola or the distinctive Tiffany Blue can be protected under copyright laws. It's important to note that copyright protection for colors is not absolute and can vary depending on the jurisdiction.