Adrian M. Peticila 🟡

Adrian M. Peticila 🟡

Making personal branding easy for execs
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Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
Anything to mind maps by AI
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
Quora and Reddit are my dirty secrets :) With Discord as a 3rd option.
Olena Bomko
What are the best communities/groups/events/podcasts for startup founders?
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
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Scene: A dimly lit office, smoke curling from a cigarette in the ashtray. A weary, hard-boiled detective in a rumpled trench coat sits behind a cluttered desk. The door creaks open, and a sharp-dressed woman strides in, confidence radiating from her like an expensive perfume. The kind of woman that made heads turn and wallets empty. Detective: (Voice raspy) Hot enough to fry an egg on the...
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
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It's nice to brand yourself to look smart

It's way nicer to do it to make your audience look & feel smart. ------------- Do you agree? I'd love to know your thoughts in the comments. ------------- 🟡 Like this? You've got great taste, my friend. Repost it to your network; your followers are gonna love it! The algo's an enigma so you probably won't see this account again, so don't forget to follow me, Adrian M. Peticila 🟡 for...
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
Congratulations on the launch!
Let AI build your next SaaS application
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
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Branding for Gummies

↓ ↓ ↓ Don't make your logo bigger; make your story more meaningful.
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
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Branding for Gummies

↓ ↓ ↓ Don't make your logo bigger; make your story more meaningful.
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
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Clarity is bloody 🩸 essential.

But make sure you see the trees before you see the forest! If you have clarity on your plan for the next: decades - great X4! years - great X3! weeks - great X2! days - great X! But nothing beats having clarity on your plan for the next step! Make sure you have that! Before a 5-year plan. KNOW. YOUR. NEXT. STEP.
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
GG! 🥂🥂🥂
Easiest way to add a referral program to your SaaS
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
Free Video editing tools
Free Video editing tools
Compress, cut, join, resize and add subs
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
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𝗦𝗵𝘁 𝗕𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 = 𝗦𝗵𝘁 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘀

Why Your Biz Might Flop and What You Can Do About It Do sht branding, and your: 🟡 sales will tank 🟡 traffic will drop 🟡 talent will leave 🟡 growth will halt 🟡 reviews will sour 🟡 referrals will stop 🟡 marketing will limp 🟡 reputation will suffer 🟡 partnerships will falter 🟡 market share will shrink 🟡 differentiation will vanish 🟡 product launches will flop 🟡 customer loyalty will plummet 🟡...
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
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Perfection is so cheesy.

So cringey. So 10-eons-ago. So AI. So passé. So buttoned-up. So postcard cliché. But ya ain't. Or ya shouldn't be. Be the most imperfect you YOU can be. Cause that's what ya really are. That's yer brand. Yer personal brand.
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
"the harder I work, the luckier I get"
Julia Engelsmann
what is your favourite quote?
Julia Engelsmann
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Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
Notion & Grammarly = the magic duo :)
Syed Arsalan Amin
Which tool you use all the time 🛠️
Syed Arsalan Amin
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Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
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My 6-step master plan for LinkedIn domination >>> Here's how I do it for my clients

1. I pay attention to my audience and regularly post actionable content to ease their pains 2. I pay attention to my audience and regularly post actionable content to ease their pains 3. I pay attention to my audience and regularly post actionable content to ease their pains 4. I pay attention to my audience and regularly post actionable content to ease their pains 5. I pay attention to my...
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
Arclite Pro
Arclite Pro
File archiver for Mac. Manage Zip, 7z, RAR, and more.
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
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My juiciest, sexiest, most secretest branding tip:

Shut your mouth and do it. Stop blabbering about how you gonna do it, and do it already. Fck your excuses, fck your procrastination, fck your extensive planning, do it already.
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
Adrian M. Peticila 🟡
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I'm a guy, so, of course, I'm thinking about the Roman Empire. 🎇🎇🎇

More precisely: personal branding for Roman emperors. 1. Nero: The Firestarter (cue Prodigy's banger) "My concerts are hotter than Vesuvius!" Tagline: When in Rome, burn like Nero! About Nero: - Strengths: Fiddling, firestarting, and fabulous fashion sense. - Weaknesses: A penchant for infernos. - USP: Setting the world ablaze with my music and style! - Catchphrase: "Nero: Where...