Kirill Vechtomov

Kirill Vechtomov

Designer / Entrepreneur
6 points
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Kirill Vechtomov
Curated Notion board with hand-picked articles, videos, podcasts, and resources to help UX and Product designers get hired. Save time on research and get answers to your top questions in one place without spending hundreds of hours in the abyss of the web.
"Get Hired in UX" Manual
"Get Hired in UX" Manual
Kickstart your career in UX and land your dream job faster.
Kirill Vechtomov
- Do you feel lost trying to kickstart your career in UX?
- Are you feeling overwhelmed trying to sift through hundreds of articles, blog posts, and videos?
The solution
Hand-picked compilation of resources and tools to navigate job hunting as a UX designer.
"Get Hired in UX" Manual
"Get Hired in UX" Manual
Kickstart your UX career and land your first job in UX.