Philipp Geppert

Philipp Geppert

Founder & CEO @ PixelFree Studio
315 points
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Philipp Geppert
Philipp Geppert
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Great idea, I love what you are doing. Congratulations and good luck on your launch!
Free stock photos made and curated by AI artists
Philipp Geppert
Philipp Geppert
left a comment
Thank you so much for your support Abdal! This is highly appreciated. Much love ❤️
Abdal Yousef
🚀 🔥 PixelFree Studio is live: Let's make it #1 Product of the Day 🔥 🚀
Philipp Geppert
Convert your designs into human-readable PRO-code in seconds. Whether you design in PixelFree Studio or Figma, you're just one click away from auto-generating your front-end! No frameworks, no libraries, host anywhere you want – enjoy your new found freedom!
PixelFree Studio
PixelFree Studio
From design to code in just 1 click