Eithiriel (Nichole Elizabeth DeMeré)

Eithiriel (Nichole Elizabeth DeMeré)

B3B SaaS Go-to-Market Product Marketer
9,125 points
🔥 41 day streak


I'm Nichole Elizabeth DeMeré (Eithiriel). Condensed timeline: 🏝️ Mid 90s: Solopreneur in tech as a pre-teen from a Florida town, population = 100. 🎓 BA in Psychology, with honors. 👩🏻‍💻 Mid 2000s: Co-founded one of the first SaaS Marketing agencies. 😻 2014: First Community Manager hired at Product Hunt. Now: 📖 Co-authoring THE book on Language-Market Fit with Hashem ElAssad. ☕️ In The Collective 📈 Go-to-Market Product Marketer - Market research - Language-market fit - Community-led growth - Experimentation & innovation Mostly B2B SaaS 🚀 I have have helped with 550+ launches 🔎 And I apply academic Psychological research methods to market research Launches are experiments! Let's see what we can learn from yours! 👇🏻 Let's share a virtual coffee. ☕️ EithirielDeMere on X.


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Bright Idea 💡
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Thought Leader
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