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Demetre Mildiani
Demetre Mildiani
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What is your purpose? Any answer counts.

Difficult question, not many have it figure out, it's a constantly evolving process. If you know What is your purpose, then share with us and tell us how you knew. If not let's share strategies on how we can figure it out.
Demetre Mildiani
Demetre Mildiani
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Stop the Bees!
Austin Armstrong
You meet your 13-year old self & only have 3 words to say. What would they be?
Austin Armstrong
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Demetre Mildiani
Demetre Mildiani
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There is no Scientific way to Recover after Lunch!
Ghulam Abbas
How to be productive after launch?
Demetre Mildiani
Transform your ideas into reality, effortlessly. Widgera makes complex website and app creation simple for everyone! you can easily drag and drop to add multifunctional features to your website — just like arranging apps on your smartphone.
Website & app builder
Demetre Mildiani
Demetre Mildiani
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What country are you from? How's the startup ecosystem there?

So fellow enthusiasts and entrepreneurs, It's very interesting to know where you are all based and how's the ecosystem for digital products is there? Let's discuss our unique perspectives!
Demetre Mildiani
Demetre Mildiani
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Great launch this product will surely only improve from here
Replace customer service with an AI phone agent
Demetre Mildiani
Demetre Mildiani
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K points Experiment! How do activity points work?

So I have been wondering how this K points work, Do you have any strategies on getting K points in a good amount of time? How is it calculated? Let's help each-other out:
Demetre Mildiani
Demetre Mildiani
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What is the one thing that makes your work anxiety go away every time?

In todays age we get stressed way to fast and retain Anxiety way to easily thru the day. I think we can share with each-other all the different strategies that help us let go in these types of situations. Please name anything that works every time in helping you destress and relax?
Demetre Mildiani
Demetre Mildiani
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Best of luck Ruben, Supported!
Ruben Boonzaaijer
My first product (as an 18 year old) launched today! 🚀
Ruben Boonzaaijer
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Demetre Mildiani
Demetre Mildiani
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We Fixing up bugs: Give us your feedback
Isaac Martin Otim
Why haven't you launched yet?
Isaac Martin Otim
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Demetre Mildiani
Demetre Mildiani
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Let's goo best of luck!
Summer Kim
80 days streak!