

Generate valuable replies on LinkedIn, X & PH.
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The community submitted 17 reviews to tell us what they like about ReplyMind, what ReplyMind can do better, and more.
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4.9/5All time (17 reviews)
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17 Reviews
Fabio Salvadori
I am the Founder & CEO of Wallafan
41 reviews
Grats on the launch, gals and guys! I was waiting to try this with anticipation and it's been worth the wait, so I'll start with saying that I support this and feel that the product itself deserves 5 stars: it's really neat and it can be a good source of inspiration. Does it save time as well? I'm less sure about that. As a professional looking for ways to enhance my social presence, efficiency is key. However, I do have some reservations. While AI can be a great tool for generating ideas and helping with rephrasing, it may lack the understanding of context, background, and scope. So, when it comes to serious business and becoming a thought leader on platforms like Linkedin and PH, relying solely on a tool like this could potentially have adverse effects. It's important to use it responsibly and not solely depend on it for achieving your goals. Speaking of which, this review has been rewritten using ReplyMind, but the thoughts expressed are entirely my own. Whether you agree with them or not, one thing is clear - I've put genuine time and effort into thinking about and elaborating on this review, taking into account the background, context, and scope of the product. It was time well spent, in my opinion, because if I had used the app to write this review from scratch, it would have likely looked obvious and similar to other comments below 😉 This doesn't diminish the usability and quality of ReplyMind. It simply highlights the importance of responsible usage, especially for professionals aiming to stand out. I do have one feature suggestion. It would be great to have a few credit-free custom canned answer templates that users can easily customize with their contact information or other common needs. For example, having a template that says "Contact me at" would be quite handy and yes: time saving. Overall, great job on ReplyMind! Looking forward to seeing how it continues to evolve.

founder of cosine and pp tech
2 reviews
Congrats on the launch! I've eagerly awaited trying this out, and it's definitely lived up to expectations. I wholeheartedly support the product, giving it a 5-star rating for its inspiration and neatness.
Thanks a lot for your support!

Daniela Uemura
You in charge of your career
7 reviews
Congratulations for the successful launch and the great product! I love the idea, it is easy to use and I can see it being very important, specially for raising brand awareness. For suggestions (I'm not sure if this already is a feature for business plan) but it would be useful to set up voice, key words and anything to make communication consistent and relevant but within the user's/company scope. Without a doubt, the AI has much more knowledge them myself and I found a bit bad -not to say misleading- having the AI talk about things I know nothing about, specially on Linkedin where my overall goal is to build connections in numbers but also in depth. Oh, it would be very nice to have an option to give short answers like "Congratulations on achieving second spot on PH! ReplyMind is great and you guys deserve it". If you guys ever need somebody for an early user test, feel free to contact me because really, this product is already great and has a huge potential!

Chris Lindner
Dev of @Echo_AI
10 reviews
Congrats on the launch! Generating comments for various scenes is a brilliant idea. The convenience is unmatched. Hoping for word count control and user-like speech mimicry for my lazy brain xD

George Kalandadze

Founder & Leadership

24 reviews
Congrats on the launch guys! this is super interesting and something that could potentially be a game changer. Especially for the bigger accounts on LinkedIn with 10k+ followers.

Rama Krishna Rao |

Founder & Leadership at Meet Candid

7 reviews
@konok_nazmul @zibran_zarif @moon10 Congratulations to Konok and Zibran for the successful launch of ReplyMind! Your innovative AI-powered tool is revolutionizing social engagement, allowing users to craft genuine and impactful responses effortlessly. Your dedication to creating a platform that enhances online interactions is truly commendable. Here's to your continued success in reshaping the way people engage and connect on social media. We've put together a comprehensive review showcasing both the tool's appearance and its promising benefits. Would you like me to share the link here? I want to ensure I have your permission before posting anything and avoid any unintentional spamming.

Great product! Building and maintaining social presence is an important part of building personal brand, which is important part of startup brand as well, but it is a challenging task. Great to see a product that addresses the problem and can integrated in the workflow so easily. Congrats on the launch!

Melike Sincar
2 reviews
I must say, ReplyMind sounds like a game changer for busy professionals looking to boost their social presence. Looking forward to hearing more about ReplyMind and how it can revolutionize social media engagement! Loved it!!!

SM Limon
SM Limon
Digital Branding I SaaS Strategist
1 review
I'm impressed by the promise of generating authentic and thoughtful replies in seconds. Also, have you considered expanding to other social media platforms? I can see this being incredibly valuable for Instagram or even YouTube comments. Keep up the great work! 💪🚀 Just wrote the above comment using ReplyMind. Amazing work done by the team. Waiting to see @reply_mind_ai will go for long miles.

Sachin shajan
I Tell Stories To Sell Morals
15 reviews
Pretty cool application, has it's own unique features that makes my work easier