Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform

A suite of cloud computing services by Google
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What is Google Cloud Platform?
Build with generative AI, deploy apps fast, and analyze data in seconds with Google-grade security.
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AI note-taker that's truly intelligent
Maker shoutouts
Makers get only 3 shoutouts per launch
All our cloud resources live in GCP. It makes scaling the product easy.
Collato partners with Google Cloud team to access advanced fine-tuning capabilities 🛠️ and the latest LLMs, while protecting user data with robust encryption 🔒. Learn more:
Huge thanks to Google for admitting us in the Google AI startup program!
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Recent launches

Google Cloud Run
Run stateless HTTP containers on a fully managed environment or in your own GKE cluster.
Google Cloud Run image
Cloud Composer, by Google

Cloud Composer, by Google is a fully managed workflow orchestration service that empowers you to author, schedule, and monitor pipelines that span across clouds and on-premises data centers.

Cloud Composer, by Google image
9 more launches