

Turn your database into a GraphQL API
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Do you use Prisma?
What is Prisma?
Prisma is a realtime GraphQL database layer. Connect directly from the frontend or build your own GraphQL server. - Compatible with existing tooling - Powerful GraphQL API - Runs everywhere
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Maker shoutouts
Makers get only 3 shoutouts per launch
Our backend uses Prisma which gives us robust type-safe DB access and manageable schemas. Their auto-generated query builder is a lifesaver, slashing repetitive code and boosts our productivity! 🔥🚀
We've built Stockle's backend with Prisma from the get-go and couldn't be happier with its performance, ease of use, and the developer experience it provides.
A strongly typed data layer and effortless migrations enable quick prototyping with production-ready reliability
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Recent launches

Prisma Cloud

Prisma Cloud is a GraphQL-based database platform and is the easiest way to run Prisma in production.

- Serverless cluster hosting

- Powerful data browser to explore and edit data

- Team collaboration

- Metrics & database insights

Prisma Cloud image

Prisma is a realtime GraphQL database layer. Connect directly from the frontend or build your own GraphQL server.

- Compatible with existing tooling

- Powerful GraphQL API

- Runs everywhere

Prisma image