Freemium, free trial, reverse trial, or free side tools?

Olena Bomko
45 replies


Roman Gordy
It is great to give a free trial in two cases: 1. There is enough time and options for user to reach aha moment 2. It is a really, really sticky product (+ option 1)
Eleni Antonopoulou
@arbonum Good points! We are launching today and we provide a free trial. We would love to hear from you if a trial is enough to reach the aha moment of our product.
Add-x Plugins | No-code solutions
Free Side tools in our case! We do all free plugins. Helps on growing community and build trust!
Salar Davari
@addx_plugins Exactly. Customers like it when they're given a something they need for free. So, I'd say not only they trust us, but also they'll love us!!
Sam D.
Depends of your tool! On my side we decided to give a free access forever to our users to create their signature! If they want more templates or lest constraints they can go Pro !
Waqas Khan
Free trial in my option.
Shibbir Ahmad
It depends on type of product. Free trials works for SaaS!
Eleni Antonopoulou
@shibbir_ahmad We are launching today and we are very curious to understand if the one month trial we provide is enough for a user to experience the value of our product. Your feedback is more than welcome 😃
Jake Harrison
I found a trend is that more and more AI tools abandoned the Freemium plan, they all choose the Free Trial or Reverser Trial, the key point is that user should input their credit card at very beginning!
Prem Saini
SaaS commonly uses the freemium and free trial business models. Reverse Trial is less often but is still useful. Free Side Tools can draw customers and complement your primary product.
I think reverse trial is way under rated- Personally, if I get to experience the time saving of a "Premium" tool, then have to pay to keep using it, I am way more likely to convert to a paying customer
Jaya Krishnan
I would say Free trial for a limited time.
Salar Davari
How are you Olena. Thanks for asking such a good question. I believe each option has its own advantages, But in the long run, free side tools make a better choice. We keep our main service to those who pay and let others use our free side tools. Sooner or later, some of them ask for thee main service.
Prema Toppo
For a SaaS, selecting between Freemium, Free Trial, or Free Side Tools depends on goals. Freemium builds a user base, Free Trial showcases value, and Free Side Tools augment offerings. The choice should align with the business strategy.
Relja Denic
Everything can work, it depends on the tool. We offer free trial for now, freemium is an option that we're thinking about.
Matthew Phillips
For most SaaS products, some form of free trial is best, especially in the early stages. You want to get a signal as quickly as possible that people are willing to pay for what you're building while providing them value. Free trial fits this well
Neel Patel
Free side tools for me!
Mick Essex
We have a two-pronged approach. All our plugins are freemium with upgrades based on features/limitations, then we have a separate product that has premium access to all our plugins in one platform (actually launching here next week). For that one, we're doing free trial.
We are sticking to giving away free trials for it works best for us and our clients.
Alexandru Muresan
I'm not sure if this is possible for you, but we did a service fee model, so everything is free, but we get a piece of every transaction. I think this can be modeled well for a lot of companies if you get a bit creative. Let me know what the product is, I'd love to brainstorm. Also check out our page -
Congratulations on launching your first product on Product Hunt. The best way to choose between freemium, free trial, reverse trial, or free side tools depends on your product and your goals. Freemium is a good option if you have a product that users can use and get value from without having to pay. You can use a freemium model to attract new users and generate leads. Some examples of freemium products are Dropbox, Spotify, and Canva. Free trial is a good option if you want to give users a chance to try out your product before they commit to paying for it. Free trials can be a great way to convert leads into paying customers. Some examples of products that use a free trial model are Netflix, Adobe Creative Suite, and Salesforce.