The best professional networking platforms in 2024

Tried, tested, and reviewed by the community

Warrior Network PangeaSalesHookupBandtoStride EcosystemPresenceGrowthMentor
Professional networking platforms are like virtual communities where professionals connect, grow their careers, and explore new opportunities. You can create a profile to showcase your skills, connect with like-minded individuals, and even find job openings. It's a great way to e
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NVIDIA's Startup Program
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Warrior Network is a revolutionary professional productivity platform for technology enthusiasts where you can share knowledge, teach, learn, meet, and be part of the world's tech database. We connect people who are passionate about productivity with the best solutions in the market to accomplish their professional and personal goals while helping others do the same. Want more? We are releasing new features every week.
Exo Cody
Ghost Kitty
Don't view my new LinkedIn Profile :)
Exo Cody and 192 others use Warrior Network
87 reviews
Connect with future unicorns on Pangea. Founders are looking for fractional marketers and designers. Set your own rate & hours on your free shareable profile. Find work, on your terms, commission-free.
Rob Slate
Adam Alpert
Ehab James
Rob Slate and 138 others use Pangea
66 reviews
SalesHookup saves sales professionals 10+ hours a month networking by automating the process in 3 simple steps: 1. Select a slot - Select a time that suits your schedule 2. Get matched - We'll connect you with a peer & send you an intro 3. Meet a peer - Connect over our video platform and have fun Connect with people you wouldn't ordinarily meet, discover unique points of view from peers in similar roles, share knowledge and level up together.
Frank Sondors
Kazi Asif Mahmud
Sachin Sinha
Frank Sondors and 124 others use SalesHookup
You have a voice. You are an impactful speaker. Wois is an async audiovisual platform to express your thoughts, engage in smart discussions, and network with a global community in any language you choose. With access to content production tools, a stacked library with curated questions to answer, active discussions to jump into, AI dubbing and translation, and in-depth analysis to improve your communication skills, Wois will set you on a path to become an impactful speaker.
Sergei Turkov
Anatoly Marin
Ali Naqi Shaheen and 80 others use World of Impactful Speakers
23 reviews
Bandto is a tool for people to grow and organize their professional network in the real world. Activate and follow Signals on the map to connect with professionals in your industry. Join Bandto and take control of your professional growth.
Stefano Lamberti
Caleb Hamernick
Hello_Joy and 33 others use Bandto
Stride is a community of 1000+ founders in AI, SaaS, Healthcare, Deep-tech, Ecom and more. We've got weekly events with VCs & top founders, startup workshopping, and exclusive SaaS discounts. Share expertise, build tomorrow's companies.
Sia and 28 others use Stride Ecosystem
18 reviews
Discover people in your area with shared interests and backgrounds. Easily find and connect with nearby community members. Join a vibrant network of 20,000+ creative minds and digital nomads.
Anastasiia Zvenigorodskaia
Olga Isaeva
Anastasiia Zvenigorodskaia and 52 others use Presence
15 reviews
The world's only mentorship platform for founders and marketers offering unlimited 1:1 video calls for a single flat-rate subscription.
Eithiriel (Nichole Elizabeth DeMeré)
David Laubner
Eithiriel (Nichole Elizabeth DeMeré) and 38 others use GrowthMentor
Thirdlane Connect, a versatile communication and team collaboration app, offers chat, voice, video calls, conferencing, screen sharing, file sharing, CRM, and seamless integration with business applications. It facilitates multichannel communications and team collaboration for local and remote workers on various devices and platforms. Powered by and fully integrated with Thirdlane Business Phone System or Multi Tenant PBX, it ensures secure deployment on-premises or in the private/public cloud.
Mike Winch
Bruce S
Arthur T
Mike Winch and 20 others use Thirdlane Connect
11 reviews
Wrkaholic autonomously job-hunts with near 0 user input, leveraging unique techniques to enhance interview odds and reduce application anxiety, ensuring users get only their interview invites, (and no spam or negativity).
Bethany Ren
Megha Kumari
jose production
Bethany Ren and 27 others use Wrkaholic