The best git clients in 2024

Tried, tested, and reviewed by the community

GitHubForkPrompteams - Git for AISublime MergeDaucu CloudRelaGitGitButler
Git clients allow developers to interact with Git, a popular version control system used for tracking changes in code repositories.
Snowflake O'Reilly Report
Snowflake O'Reilly Report
Design a Modern Application Data Stack
382 reviews
GitHub is a development platform inspired by the way you work.
Abdal Yousef
flo merian
Fajar Siddiq
Abdal Yousef and 37921 others use GitHub
20 reviews
FL0, the AI enabled infrastructure platform, that auto-builds, deploys, and scales your code in minutes. Forget messy cloud infrastructure and complex deployments.
Miguel Ángel Durán
Anthony Green
Jennifer McKnight
Miguel Ángel Durán and 56 others use FL0
30 reviews
Nathan Marquez
Dylan and 55 others use Fork
Streamline LLM Prompt management with Prompteams! Version, iterate batch test, and build CI/CD before making updates to your prompts on production. Auto generated API to retrieve prompts. Prompt engineering made easy. Reduce hallucinations, reduce edge cases and iterate prompts with ease.
Barcus Maler
Prompt Teams
Barcus Maler and 15 others use Prompteams - Git for AI
Sublime Merge
11 reviews
Sublime Merge is a new Git Client for Mac, Windows and Linux, from the makers of Sublime Text
Jason Allan
Ruben Pedro
Cassiano Blonski Sampaio
Jason Allan and 19 others use Sublime Merge
Daucu Cloud
2 reviews
Daucu Cloud is a cloud services provider that offers a full range of cloud services to help your business grow. We offer a wide range of cloud services, including cloud storage, easy deployments, databases etc.
Harsh Singh
Sujeet Singh
Harsh Singh uses Daucu Cloud
1 review
RelaGit is a beautiful next-generation git client that empowers users to extend their workflows and achieve maximum efficiency.
Alexei Accio
Sufyan Ali
TheCommieAxolotl and 2 others use RelaGit
1 review
GitButler is a Git client that lets you work on multiple branches at the same time. It allows you to quickly organize changes into separate branches while still having them applied to your working directory. Then push your branches to GitHub and create PRs.
Vasil Enchev
Luis Arce Paredes
Scott Chacon
Vasil Enchev and 10 others use GitButler
Manipulate your Github contribution graph either realistically or with text. Fill gaps in your resume, fill empty years, or leave a message in your graph. Demo profile:
samson uchenna
Rame uses Wishful Gitting
1 review
AI/ML API revolutionizes tech by offering developers access to over 100 AI models via a single API, ensuring round-the-clock innovation. Offering GPT-4 level performance at 80% lower costs, and seamless OpenAI compatibility for easy transitions.
Konstantin Gladych
Takhir Adilzhanov
Mohamed  S. Ahmad
Konstantin Gladych and 2 others use AI/ML API