UI Colors

UI Colors

Tailwind CSS color generator & editing tool
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The community submitted 67 reviews to tell us what they like about UI Colors, what UI Colors can do better, and more.
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5/5All time (64 reviews)
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67 Reviews
Alex Sherwood
4 reviews
Beautifully built app that has everything you need to work with a custom Tailwind colour palette.

Abdullah Kanza
3 reviews
It's the best color tool I've ever used. In general, it is very difficult to create a color palette based on a main color. It quickly solves this problem for you without any confusion. Designers know this is a huge problem 😅

Ömür Yanıkoğlu
Webflow and WordPress Expert
4 reviews
I finally found the tool I've been looking for for a long time, thank you very much! 🙏🙌✨

Milorad Kekić
Founder @Beyond Studio | UI/UX Designer
4 reviews
Love this! Very useful for design systems. Keep going!

This is one of the best ways to design or select your color pallet if you are working with TailwindCSS

Darshan pandya


1 review
It is very very clean and handy for both Designers and developers from now on this is my go to color generator, Thanks for building this great tool

Noah Youngs
AI-Powered Video Presentations Creator
3 reviews
Works great for creating tailwind style shades, from any base color. Even if you start with a very light color, say 50 or 100, it knows that that color is light and will only give you darker colors to complete the palette.

Raajprashanth R
Lead UI Engineer
1 review
It's an awesome tool. It's obviously a pain to create all shades of a colour you need. It does it in a flash. What else you need

Ardian Shala
Visual Designer
1 review
Super product, really good to see how color affects a wide range of widgets. Kudos

Henrik Hedegaard
2 reviews
Amazing! Makes it easy to create, adjust and optimise a harmonic color scale for you app.