

Where women in tech talk candidly online.
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Elpha was ranked at #1 Diversity and Inclusion for 2019
#1 Diversity and Inclusion Product of the Year
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What is Elpha?
Elpha is where women in tech talk candidly online. Join the community to find support, connect personally and professionally with other women in the industry, make friends, build your network and search for jobs. Membership is free!
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Build, deploy, and scale your apps with unparalleled ease.

Recent launches

Elpha Talent Pool
Connect with companies that are a culture fit for you. Create a profile with your skills & cultural qualities you care about, and get intros to companies that are uniquely suited for you.
The Talent Pool is part of Elpha – where 50K+ women build our careers.
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Leap has spun out of YC into an independent company with a new name, Elpha! We’re an online community for women in tech. Access industry experts, learn from your peers, find answers to your most pressing questions and make lasting friendships.

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