Your Launch Getting Close? Let's Gather and Grow! 🏑🌿

Aman Wen
18 replies
What's that next big thing you're revealing? Share it here and let's support each other. πŸš€


Aman Wen
Launching soon!
@tiffany_tunis Hey @tiffany_tunis, I've just upvoted and sent a comment to Paws & Prints Boutique – really cool stuff you've got there! On a side note, our project Checky Bear is gearing up for its own Product Hunt launch. You might find it interesting:
Yasec Kowalski
Couldn't be more stoked about Checky Bear's debut! πŸš€ It feels like we're on the brink of something big in the web monitoring world. Teaser Page:
Aman Wen
Launching soon!
@yasec_kowalski Equally excited for the Checky Bear launch - it's not just a tool, it's our commitment to making the digital world a more reliable place. Can't wait for everyone to experience it! πŸ»πŸ› οΈ
Asmitha Rathis
Launching QueryPal soon, your AI assistant on Slack that can help you answer questions using company chats, files, etc.
Aman Wen
Launching soon!
@asmitha_rathis1 Hey there, that sounds like a game-changer for team productivity! Having an AI to sift through the maze of chats and files for quick answers? Definitely a thumbs up from me.
Asmitha Rathis
@aman_wen Hey there! We just launched QueryPal today! Please do check it out and give it a try :)
Robert Rotznig
i'm launching Otterly.AI tomorrow on Product Hunt - think of SEMrush for LLMs.
Aman Wen
Launching soon!
@robert_rotznig Excited for Otterly.AI on Product Hunt – it's like SEMrush but for LLMs, which is super cool. And hey, we're also prepping to launch Checky Bear very soon – a free, super-simple website monitoring tool. Super fast to set up and keeps you in the know if your site ever goes down. Let's back each other up on each other's launch? I'm following you for updates.
@robert_rotznig I always love SEMrush for X. Hope to see Otterly.AI on launch day.
Robert Rotznig
@jgani Thank you Jonni! Love your support!
Ashley Flynn
We are launching ProprOffr tomorrow! Demand-Driven Auctions Powered by Likes.
Aman Wen
Launching soon!
@ashley_flynn I'll be notified! Just hit notify me. It's great to hear about your launch – I've got my eyes peeled for it. Meanwhile, if you find a moment, I’d love for you to take a peek at our own upcoming launch on Product Hunt:
Ashley Flynn
@aman_wen Thank you for the support! I will absolutely check it out.
I would love to do that.
Kate Ramakaieva
Hey guys! Im open to support you 🀞🏻🀞🏻
Asmitha Rathis
@kate_ramakaieva Hey there! We just launched QueryPal today! Please do check it out and give it a try :)
Aman Wen
Launching soon!
@kate_ramakaieva Thanks a bunch! Our project Checky Bear is gearing up for its own Product Hunt launch soon. You might find it interesting: It's a free, super-simple website monitoring tool. Super fast to set up and keeps you in the know if your site ever goes down. πŸ»πŸ› οΈ